August blooms

I’m so glad it’s Garden Bloggers Bloom Day today because I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my return to the gardens after a week’s vacation. And looking back in my archives here I’m amazed to see that I haven’t participated in an August Garden Bloggers Bloom Day since 2008. (Where have I been?! Oh yeah. On vacation usually.) So without further ado, I’m thrilled to offer you a small sampling of the flowers that make August so spectacular here at Blithewold. I wish I had remembered to write down a quote I just read by garden writer, Allan Lacey about August being the threshold (gateway?) to fall, which is, of course, the best season in the garden. Do you know it?
Please click on images below for a better view and/or mouse over for captions. (Pictured above is Northern sea oats or Chasmanthium latifolium catching the light in the Idea Garden.)
What’s blooming in your August garden? (Head over to May Dreams Gardens to see what’s in bloom elsewhere and everywhere!)