Daffodil Bliss

Daffodil Days here at Blithewold are in full swing.  The soft, sweet fragrance of the flowers wafts toward me whenever I walk near the Bosquet.  It’s positively enticing!  I could wax poetic about each daffodil variety we have here, but I thought it would be better to let them speak for themselves.  So, in lieu of a regular blog post, I leave you with pictures of a few of our favorite flowers.  If you haven’t made it here yet to enjoy these beauties in person, there is still time.  Come on out to see and smell the daffodils!

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Narcissus ‘Ice Follies’

Narcissus ‘Rosy Sunrise’

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The vast differences between each Narcissus flower are evident here in this display.

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Narcissus ‘Barrett Browning’

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Narcissus ‘King Alfred’

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Narcissus ‘Flower Record’

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Narcissus ‘Rosy Sunrise’


Narcissus ‘Tropical Sunset’