Nature Mandala Series with Beth Adoette

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 | 6 - 8 PM

Nature Mandala Series
January 31, February 28, March 20, April 24, and May 29
6 – 8 PM
Location: Education Room in Visitor’s Center

Local artist Beth Adoette is coming to Blithewold to share her unique practice of partnering with nature in a monthly workshop series. This workshop offers people the opportunity to unplug and be in the moment while exploring beautiful objects of nature. Please note that nature mandalas are ephemeral and will not be taken home. Photographs are encouraged. High-resolution, edited photographs can be ordered separately at the workshop for an additional fee. 

Class size is limited to 10.
$40 Members | $45 Nonmembers

May 29: Meditation Mandalas
Many of us have practices or mental prompts to help center and calm ourselves either as a daily practice or during challenging moments. Whether you have a practice or would like to hear how others approach calming meditation, this workshop provides an opportunity to honor our meditation intentions and explore what they might look like in visual form. Participants create individual nature mandalas that can be used as beautiful reminders to meditate or use as meditation prompts themselves.


Take a look at past classes below:

January 31: Re-Centering
Re-centering is a powerful practice and, when done routinely, helps keep us from getting distracted from what is important in our lives. This workshop holds space to explore and define what is calling us in the present moment through the creation of beautiful, individual nature mandalas. Find support from a group of curious, like-minded people as we explore boundaries and intentions, and allow nature and art to help reset in a creative, intuitive way.

February 28: Expanding Peace Mandalas
This workshop begins with a brief introduction to the origins of the ancient Celtic Circle and Caim Prayers, and then challenges us to expand these concepts to see the world in a larger, more inclusive, and connected way. We begin with the hope for peace and protection for ourselves, and then explore what it might look like visually through an expanding view of the world. Let’s try to envision what an intention, hope, or prayer may look like that not only seeks peace for ourselves, but for a much larger world in which we are inherently connected.

March 20: Gratitude and the Sun
In this workshop, participants contemplate what we can be thankful for both collectively and individually. We begin with the sun, the force which unconditionally guides and sustains us all. Then we consider the gifts we have been given individually. Make space for the gentle, yet powerful benefits that come from a grateful heart as we create individual gratitude mandalas which capture the blessings of our lives in this moment.

April 24: Day’s Eye
Hundreds of years ago, the daisy was called “day’s eye” in England, and “the eye of the day” in Wales. These lovely names are derived from the way this flower it opens its petals in the morning in the east, turns to follow the sun’s path, closes back up at night, and in the night turns towards the east again in anticipation of the sun. In this workshop, we take our cue from this humble yet wise flower, as we try to identify our objectives and create a nature mandala to act as a beautiful and practical reminder of our daily intentions.