Canceled: Pickles, Relish, and Chutneys
Saturday, September 16, 2023
| 10 - 12 PM
Pickles, Relish, and Chutneys
with Connie Ganley
Saturday, September 9
RESCHEDULED: Saturday, September 16
10 – 12 PM
RESCHEDULED: Saturday, September 16
Join us as we preserve the plentiful harvest and prepare our pantries for a long winter’s enjoyment. We will be pickling an assortment of vegetables and experimenting with flavor combinations. Each participant will make some creations to take home and relish. Reservations are required.
Class size is limited to 8.
12 – 15 year-olds must be accompanied by an adult.
Preregistration is required.
$45 Member | $50 Nonmember
This program has been canceled.