New Garden Planner!

If you are an avid reader of the horticulture blogs, you will know that Gail, Joe, and I all love to share our passion for the gardens and grounds here at Blithewold. We do this through our work, our words, and our photography.
This past summer, we had a dream to put it all together into a garden planner we could have available for purchase at The Shop at Blithewold. Our vision was to create something that would inspire any gardener (or gardener at heart) through each month of the year. A committee of dedicated volunteers was formed, graphic designer Lauren Enjeti was hired, and we were off and running in creating the planner of our dreams. It was a lot of hard work (as any good project is), but we are so pleased to share with you the result.

The planner includes photography from Gail, Joe, and myself; excerpts from our blogs; a monthly sample of what is in bloom at Blithewold; and invaluable monthly to-do lists to keep you on track in your own garden.

Since we knew that this would be the type of planner that could be used as a reference year after year, we decided to make it in the style of a perpetual planner with no specific year as the starting point.

We recently had a Garden Planner release event and it was so lovely signing copies of this planner for those that attended. We hope the joy of gardening continues to encourage and inspire you via this planner.

at the Garden Planner Release event
Now available at the Shop for purchase. Only $25! A perfect holiday gift for a friend, family member, or yourself!
Follow Blithewold on Instagram for a video flip-through of the planner. Check out that video here.