September blooms
It’s time once again for a blooming Blithewold inventory and a mid month visit to blooming gardens around the world. Garden Bloggers Bloom day is still graciously hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens (Check out Carol’s Bloom Day post and scroll through the comments section to visit other gardens). I took a look at my post from last year and of course I’m going to repeat myself. It’s inevitable really: Some things – like ragweed and my sneezes – are as reliable as Swiss clockwork. And some things change.
I’m disappointed to be reminded that this is exactly when the monarchs were so abundant last year. There aren’t nearly as many looping through the gardens right now. But last year I didn’t see a single orb-web spider and this year I’ve been scared half to levitation by several. The Moral of the Story?: In any garden over the years there are new surprises and fresh photo opportunities (even when it’s of the same old favorites).
Here are some repeats, and some things that were most likely blooming this time last year but were upstaged by the butterflies, and as usual, at least one Bloom Day Worthy that is not a bloom at all: (hover over for caption and click on for magical photo enhancement)
What’s new in your garden this year and what do you miss madly?