Some flowers for you
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 | | Camellia, greenhouse, greenhouse, what's blooming, what's colorful, what's fragrant, what's in bloom, winter, winter
In honor of Valentine’s Day, here are some flowers blooming in the Blithewold greenhouses. No long-stem red roses for us. We take great joy in our unusual winter-blooming plants. I hope they bring a smile to your face as they always do to mine.

Calla Lily (Zantedeschia aethopica)

Angel Wing Begonia (Begonia coccinea)

Firecracker plant (Russelia equisitiformis ‘Lemon Falls’)

Spanish Shawl (Centradenia floribunda)

Begonia rex ‘Pig Skin’ flower
- Camellia flower
- Camellia blooming away despite the snow

Bush lily flower (Clivia miniata)

Lavender scallops (Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi)
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your loved ones! I hope your day is filled with sunlight and beautiful flowers.