Thanksgiving Poem by Marjorie Lyon, November 1959

Marjorie entertaining in the Dining Room, November 1965
Sixteen at the table this Thanksgiving Day!
A cause for rejoicing old Auntie would say!
There’s Margie whose flute in an orchestra blows
And Auntie whose pictures are accepted at shows.
Augustine who excels both with gardens & Fairs
And whose cooking to criticize just no one dares!
Louise Baby-sitter of Bristol renown
Who sits for the biggest dog of the Town.
Agnes whose violets bloom all year round
And to whose horticulture no equal is found.
Halsey is famous at old M.I.T.
And crews for Defenders all over the sea.
David whose job seems to be in the air
Between Arizona California New York & elsewhere.
Lois who drives the big Chrysler with care
But all on the road just better beware!
Ian whose prowess with guns & with rods
Provides us with tidbits just fit for the Gods!
And then seven children ages 9 down to one
Who keep us stirred up till the poetry’s done.