Week Three, Day Four: Locating the Fun
What a fun day! The campers started by making ice cream cones for their morning craft. Then they went outside for a snack, where some campers played catch with our counselors. After snack, our special guest arrived; Clean Ocean Access! They taught the campers about echolocation and how noise pollution can affect an animal’s ability to use it. They played two different games. In the first game, campers guided one another using a clicker while one wore a blindfold. In the second game, the campers played tag using echolocation while some campers made noise pollution. We then had some time before lunch to do an activity called prize ball. The campers worked in two teams to unwrap the prize ball to get to the final surprise. Our cool down time inside would not be complete without a game of freeze dance! After lunch, we were back to the water games to cool off. The campers feel bold when getting the counselors soaked! The counselors have a big surprise planned for the campers tomorrow for Land of Make-Believe Day. Don’t forget your costumes! Check out the sights of today!