Flowers in Phases

The rains have arrived in New England, and the plant world uses them as fuel to power the inevitable greening of every nook and cranny of nature. Perennials take their shape and gain strength with each passing day. Several trees, such as the Katsura and Norway maples, have their foliage completely unfurled and exist in a miniature form. With each flowering phase of spring, something new steps into the spotlight to be admired.

Fresh Normal Maple leaves beginning to expand.

As I walk along the garden path, potential is everywhere. The Serviceberry ( Amerlanchier Canadensis ) – near the entrance to the greenhouse and display area – is starting to open its flower buds, and should be in full show this week.  Serviceberry is one of those plants that is sometimes overlooked, usually because of its flower’s quick shelf life. While its color, flower density, or duration may not be at the level of some of spring’s A-listers, it certainly does a nice job of brightening the understory the Bosquet as the daffodils begin to subside. The Flowers will soon turn over to edible fruit, which I haven’t tasted but hear they make an excellent base for pies.

The first flowers of the Serviceberry showing themselves to the world.

The Kwanzan cherry (Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’) is another plant nearing its tipping point, with several flower buds already unraveling. Unlike most of the other cherries flowering on the property currently, the Kwanzan flowers after or right as the tree is leafing out, with brilliant deep pink doubles. They’re commonly planted in parks, schools and on the street side, so you’ll be seeing pink everywhere you go in the coming weeks.

The first of the exquisite, pink flowers of the Kwanzan Cherry making their presence felt

From one phase to the next, spring supplies us with constant yet ever-changing allure and inspiration. While no individual flower is permanent, the glory of spring is certainly everlasting.