Past Due! by Dan Christina

It is very hard to believe that a month has passed since my last post, Getting it done. Even more incredulous are the vast changes the garden has seen since that time.
For instance, the peas went from looking like this…
To being a week past due for pulling out!
I had been hoping they would last for the second week of our Camp Sequoia, as the campers love to pick peas, but this year, only the first week was that lucky.
Having the campers visit the garden each week has been a real fun activity for myself and for the kids. We always talk about the basics, soils, composts, water and light, and then move onto seeding, transplanting, successional cropping, trellising and their most favorite part; Harvesting! We talk about favorite vegetables and new ones they might not know of. This past week, one out of 18 kids knew what Kohlrabi was, maybe by the end of summer, I’ll have converted the rest. Thankfully the garden can accommodate both weekly donations to the East Bay Food Pantry and the campers getting a bag of ever changing fresh organic produce.
I know I had mentioned before that I would get into a tomato talk, but I think I will hold off for one more week, as they are just beginning to ripen. Obviously this picture doesn’t show that, but it does show the promise of tasty tomatoes coming soon! (And I promise a Totally Tomatoes post as well!)
Thanks for sticking around!