Classes for Winter Garden Dreams

When the air is cold and the ground is frozen, plant lovers dig deep in their dreams for future gardens. This is the time of year when Gail, Julia, and I will be attending (virtual) horticulture conferences and sparking ideas for the gardens this year. We don’t have to (again, virtually) travel far to hear from some wonderful voices. In fact, Blithewold is hosting three inspiring speakers this winter in a series that will have you dreaming of all the changes you want to make in your own garden.
First up on January 22nd is Laura Willson. Laura’s garden design company, Garden Endeavors, has been creating and maintaining beautiful gardens for years. She also has experience with the new trend of making meadows. A meadow might seem like something one can just allow to happen, but in reality it takes a great deal of know-how and skill to create a beautiful – and LASTING – meadow. And meadows are not only a thing of beauty, they are also a wonderful way that we as homeowners can participate in rejuvenating the local ecology. Want to see more birds, insects, and wildlife? A meadow is a great place to start. Come be inspired and gain some new insight for your property! You can register here.

The following weekend we have the opportunity to hear from the talented Blakely Szosz. Have you wanted to start a new garden and had no idea how to begin? Blakely will use her knowledge and creative skill to show you all the basics you will need to design a beautiful garden space. From small gardens to long borders to containers that wow, Blakely covers all the bases in this Basic Garden Design class. A wonderful opportunity not only for novices with no prior gardening experience, but also for seasoned gardeners to gain a fresh perspective. You can register here.

Finally we end this series with Flower Power – Becoming a Better Flower Gardener with Matt Mattus. Matt’s years of experience and wisdom work so well with his passion for flowers and growing unique plants. Much of this plant wisdom is illustrated in his books Mastering the Art of Vegetable Gardening and Mastering the Art of Flower Gardening. He also loves sharing all he has learned first hand – so lucky for us! There is something for every gardener in this talk. From practical advice to grand inspiration, you will find it all here. We love hosting Matt and are always held in rapt attention when he is sharing his horticultural passion. No matter what your skill level, you will find something to learn from Matt. You can register here.

As of this writing, all of these classes will be held both in-person and simultaneously on Zoom. We look forward to hearing from each of these talented horticultural friends as they share their knowledge, passion, and wisdom with us! Ring in 2022 with garden inspiration at Blithewold!