October Opportunities

It is a magical time in the gardens now, with the weather turning cooler and flowering annuals – cup-and-saucer vine (Cobaea scandens), black-eyed susan vine (Thunbergia alata ‘Yellow’) and white cypress vine (Ipomoea quamoclit) – all blooming profusely on the bamboo arches in the cutting garden. A flock of goldfinches darts in and out, eating the seeds of anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum), rudbeckia (Rudbeckia triloba) and other perennials. Their appearance and busy sound fill the gardens with cheerfulness.
Cutting Garden
This month is also a time for gardeners to tackle many garden tasks before winter settles in. To learn more about what we do and the techniques we use in Blithewold’s gardens, join the horticultural staff, Betsy Ekholm, Joe Verstandig and me, in some practical studies of what we do in the gardens and greenhouses, and more importantly why.
Next Friday, October 11 at 10:00 am we will host a Gardeners’ Roundtable discussion and demonstration about different soil mixes for indoor plants. We will have samples of our soil mixes, plus a few new amendments we’re experimenting with. We’ll demonstrate how to divide and repot some of our pot-bound plants too. The class will be held in the greenhouse.
In two more Friday classes, on October 18 and November 1 again at 10:00 am, we will be out in the gardens demonstrating how we prepare the gardens for the winter. Transplanting, dividing, cutting back some perennials and leaving others up for the wildlife will all be addressed.
October has much to offer – come for a visit or a class. To learn more, visit www.blithewold.org for details on classes and registration.
Click here to view a video of Goldfinches in the Cutting Garden