Labor Day Lunch

Marjorie Lyon was known for her gracious hospitality. Two of her favorite celebrations were July 4th and Labor Day, both of which were constant, unchangeable traditions for decades. Labor Day was Marjorie’s annual farewell to another summer well spent. She became known for her killer Labor Day martinis that put all her guests in a joyful mood as they shared their memories of good times. One underage guest was left rather worse for wear – you know who you are! The last Labor Day party was in 1975, Marjorie’s 93rd year, after a summer filled with friends and relatives from near and far. The following poem was written in the Guest Book by Marjorie’s sister, Augustine, in 1971.
This is the tale of the Labor Day Lunch,
An annual affair for quite a bunch.
Bristolians, friends and relations galore,
Each year there seem to be more and more.
To phone all eighty is quite a task,
Yet all are so very pleased to be asked.
The tables stretch out on Terrace and Porch,
The flowers placed all around make a torch
To light our way to the actual food,
Which the drinks precede and both are so good.
It’s the end of summer for quite a few,
A fitting climax to all that they do.
As Blithewold resounds with friendly talk
We thank our dear hostess and then take a walk.
Hoping next year will quickly come round,
With Labor Day revels it will surely abound.
Augustine Van Wickle Toland, 1971