Shedding the springter blues

Just as spring was beginning to assert itself — Iris reticulata opened the other day, the daffodils are up and some are budded, Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) buds have cracked open — winter hurled another insult. This week we’ve endured nights in the teens, chilly days and a bitter and blustery dusting of snow. (Thank goodness we didn’t get the inches forecast.) Elsewhere, I know it’s worse so I don’t want to whine but I can’t help feeling a little frustrated. And a tiny bit blue.
Good thing nature can take it better than me. This weather, even though it has been colder than normal this month, isn’t so unusual (here’s a look back at a post from March 24, 2011) and those delicate looking ephemerals are made of tough stuff. I thought the iris, which never lasts long anyway, would be shattered by the snow. But it was prettier than ever with frosting and came through the storm just fine. Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) is made for weather like this and simply closed its face to the snow. The daffodils will hold steady until warmer temperatures cheer us all up and give them the signal to begin trumpeting. Meanwhile, despite the setback of the weather, by the end of today we will have gotten to every garden to do the spring cleaning and the new growth we exposed will be OK too. Because our plants live for spring. (Just like we all do.)
Blithewold officially opens for the season next week (Daffodil Days begins April 1) with or without the daffodils opening fanfare. The timing is just perfect for watching spring turn the tables on winter and shedding the springter blues once and for all. Stay tuned for updates.
Does the transition to spring feel endless in your garden too? How are you and your plants holding up?