Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Daffodils Put On A Breathtaking Show

It has been a busy month of blooms here at Blithewold. With 93 Daffodil (Narcissus) cultivars in bloom across the property over 6 weeks, it would be tough to capture them all! I have instead … Read more.

Daffodils for Days and Days

It’s usually around this time of year when I write something about hope. The winter always feels long and each year I find myself waiting for spring with open arms. However, March can be a … Read more.


Spring is here and it is beginning to feel like it. Although March has decided to use her last week to remind us not to be too eager, April is set to show us it … Read more.

Poised to Bloom

I tend to think of spring as soft and sweet. But this spring has started off with a chip on its shoulder. After a few days of teasing warmer weather, the chill of cold air … Read more.

Life of the Garden

So much life happens in the garden. Right now the birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, and newly returned (human) visitors are snapping pictures or leaning in for a closer look at a flower. … Read more.

Totally Tulips

When May arrives and brings glorious sun and warmth with her, the tulips heed her call. We have been watching and waiting for the perfect tulip moment and now is the time.  From very tall … Read more.

Spring is Not Cancelled

As we all are spending more time at home following the Covid 19 isolation guidelines, the importance of a garden is relevant now more than ever.  This time at home could be a period to … Read more.

Springing into flower

Springtime often has me in one of two places – laying on the ground to get a good look at a spring bulb in flower or staring up toward the sky at the tree buds … Read more.

Supporting Actors

We often think of early spring as daffodils and mid spring as tulips. They steal the show and we love them for so many reasons – they come in a stunning variety of shapes and … Read more.

Tulip Time

With all the incessant rain lately, I’ve been badly in need of some cheerful color. The tulips heard my call. Last fall we planted thousands of bulbs across the property and the season of bloom … Read more.