Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

April Anticipation

I always get fuzzy about lions and lambs in March. Is it always one or the other? (In like a lion, out like a lamb. In like a lamb, out like a lion.) March represents … Read more.

Exuberant April!

Daffodils are here and they were worth the (long!) wait. The grand view through the Bosquet is really stunning right now. In this big beautiful sea of daffodils there are numerous varieties. Over the past … Read more.


Considering the weather we have endured the past two weeks, I would say my previous post was overconfident. Spring was not here yet. I was feeling hopeful and buoyed by the sunshine. It was naive … Read more.

It’s finally spring

Could it be?  Is spring finally here at long last?  Yes!  In the past week I have seen honey bees gathering food from spring flowers – I have seen spring flowers! Iris, primrose, daffodils, snowdrops, … Read more.

Daffodil Dreamland

  The daffodils have returned and they are spectacular!  It seems that every day this week I have seen a new variety emerge.  Last year, Gail did her best to take a picture of every … Read more.

Spring’s Warm Embrace

After several grey days filled with rain – or the threat of it – we have emerged on the other side to find the air smelling clean, the trees budded, and the promise of many … Read more.

Delightful Daffodils

This post is written by Gail Read, the Gardens Manager here at Blithewold.  She has been here at Blithewold for over 25 years and is a fountain of knowledge about the plants and the property. … Read more.

The Charmingly Resilient Daffodil

  Snow.  Freezing temperatures.  Rain.  Wind.  I think it’s safe to say that the weather this week has dampened the spirit of gardeners and flower enthusiasts, but hopefully not for long.  Six inches of snow … Read more.


It’s not often anymore that my posts fall on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day and I’m thrilled for the excuse to post endless pictures of what’s happening on the grounds right now. The daffodils have pretty … Read more.

Stop and smell the daffodils

Of all the seasons, spring is the one that puts every sense on high alert. We’re all eyes for the colors, have sharp ears for frog and bird songs (we heard the orioles this week), and those … Read more.