Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Think Pink!

This post is brought to you by the color pink. It is not a secret to anyone who has worked with me how much I love pink. It is the color of femininity and romance. … Read more.

June is for Roses

If you have been waiting for the right moment to see the roses in bloom, now is the time! The next few weeks will be full of beautiful roses blooming their perfumed heads off in … Read more.

September’s Seasonal Celebration

Sunny September days are my absolute favorite. Gail and I are constantly talking about how much we love this month. The gardens are glorious, the weather is very close to perfect, and we (try) to … Read more.

Coming Up Roses

June is the perfect month. The temperatures this year have been steady in the 70s with sunshine and a light breeze. We have had several inches of rain this week, but the gardens only look … Read more.

Think Pink (and Purple)

I had a recent small obsession with pink. You may notice it in the Rose Garden – particularly with the dahlias. I chose pale pink, hot pink and a few with lavender tones to balance … Read more.

September Sage

If you have been an avid reader of this blog, you may recall that September is my favorite month in the gardens. The weather still has a hint of summer, but with (slightly) cooler temperatures; … Read more.

Color Theory

One of the very first things we decide each year is the color scheme for the gardens. We debate and plan and finally develop a concept that will work for the growing year. Color is … Read more.

Summer Heat

Phew! It’s been a hot couple of weeks. The plants and the people have been doing their best to stay comfortable in the humidity. Often the heat spells the end to some of our favorite … Read more.

Along the Garden Path

Peak Rose Garden Week! Herb Garden! Tadpoles! An individual rose is beautiful in itself but an abundance of roses is glorious! A rose garden in full bloom can transport one’s spirit to a secret garden enhanced … Read more.

Sweet Spring

I love ornamental onions. I love that they come in so many different sizes and colors. I love that even after their flowers fade most of them hold their shape, making beautiful decorations. Right around … Read more.