Thoughtful musings on various topics by interesting people at Blithewold

Color Theory

One of the very first things we decide each year is the color scheme for the gardens. We debate and plan and finally develop a concept that will work for the growing year. Color is … Read more.

Sweet Spring

I love ornamental onions. I love that they come in so many different sizes and colors. I love that even after their flowers fade most of them hold their shape, making beautiful decorations. Right around … Read more.

Coming Attractions

May is often a time for celebrations. From weddings to graduations to Memorial Day parties, May can feel like a whirlwind. In the gardens, May begins to settle down by mid-month. Tulips kick off the … Read more.

It’s finally spring

Could it be?  Is spring finally here at long last?  Yes!  In the past week I have seen honey bees gathering food from spring flowers – I have seen spring flowers! Iris, primrose, daffodils, snowdrops, … Read more.

For the love of trees

Life as a horticulturist has changed my perspective on winter.  There was a time when I felt that winter was terrible and interminable.  Not anymore.  Winter is an important time for those who tend gardens.  … Read more.

Field Trip – Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Greetings from Brooklyn!  It is important to get out and see the world outside our own greenhouses from time to time.  With the goal of gaining fresh inspiration and information, Gail, Joe, and I recently … Read more.

A feast of flowers and foliage

After what feels like the most extended summer season I’ve seen in years, autumn is here in full rainy force.  To cheer us all up during this time I thought I’d take a moment to … Read more.

Blithewold’s Best

This week I have the privilege to introduce to you Sean Coffey, one of our Horticulture Interns.  It has been a pleasure working with him and we always enjoy hearing his perspective on the gardens … Read more.

Highs and lows

Today we reached the point in the season when it truly feels like summer.  It’s hot and humid outside and we are waiting on another thunderstorm to possibly roll through the area.  What better time … Read more.

Everything is Beautiful

Roses.  Roses.  Roses.  Everything is so rosy here at Blithewold!  This is my fifth season working with Gail in the gardens, and I find myself blown away by the roses once again.  Last week I … Read more.